Sub-parcel scale analysis is needed to capture socially-driven canopy cover change in Baltimore, MD.

Locke, D. H., Ossola, A., Paul Schmit, J., & Morgan Grove, J. (2025). Sub-parcel scale analysis is needed to capture socially-driven canopy cover change in Baltimore, MD. Landscape and Urban Planning, 253(September 2024), 105187. [LINK]

Context matters, but the organizational landscape is more important for explaining civic environmental stewardship group intensity in four major US cities

Johnson, M.L., Locke, D.H., Svendsen, E.S., Campbell, L.K., Westphal, L., Romolini, M., Grove, J.M. (2019). Context matters, but the organizational landscape is more important for explaining civic environmental stewardship group intensity in four major US cities. Ecology and Society. [LINK]

Human and biophysical legacies shape contemporary urban forests: A literature synthesis.

Roman, L.A., Pearsall, H.C., Eisenman, T.S., Conway, T.M., Fahey, R.T., Landry, S., Vogt, J.M., van Doorn, N.S., Grove, J.M., Locke, D.H., Bardekjian, A.C., Battles, J.J., Cadenasso, M.L., Konijnendijk, C.C., Avolio, M., Berland, A., Jenerette, D.G., Mincey, S.K., Staudhammer, C.. (2018). Human and biophysical legacies shape contemporary urban forests: A literature synthesis. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening[…]

Landscape Ethnography: Understanding the Political and Ecological Dynamics of Urban Forests in Baltimore.

Ogden, L.A., Aoki, C., Grove, J.M., Locke, D.H., Hall, W., Sonti, N.F., Pickett, S.T.A., Avins, M., Lautar, K., Lagrosa, J (2018). Landscape Ethnography: Understanding the Political and Ecological Dynamics of Urban Forests in Baltimore. Urban Ecosystems. doi:10.1007/s11252-018-0744-z [LINK]

Tree canopy change and neighborhood stability: A comparative analysis of Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD.

Chuang, W-C., Boone, C. G., Locke, D.H., Grove, J. M., Buckley, G. L., Whitmer, A., Zhang.. (2017) Tree canopy change and neighborhood stability: A comparative analysis of Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD. Accepted at Urban Forestry and Urban Greening on March 28, 2017. [LINK]