Residential housing segregation and urban tree canopy in 37 US Cities

Locke, D.H., Hall, B., Grove, J.M., Pickett, S., Ogden, L., Aoki, C., Boone, C., O’Neil-Dunne, J.P., (2020). Residential housing segregation and urban tree canopy in 37 US Cities. npj Urban Sustain. 10.1038/s42949-021-00022-0 [LINK]

Context matters, but the organizational landscape is more important for explaining civic environmental stewardship group intensity in four major US cities

Johnson, M.L., Locke, D.H., Svendsen, E.S., Campbell, L.K., Westphal, L., Romolini, M., Grove, J.M. (2019). Context matters, but the organizational landscape is more important for explaining civic environmental stewardship group intensity in four major US cities. Ecology and Society. [LINK]

Stewardship mapping and assessment project: a framework for understanding community-based environmental stewardship.

Svendsen, E.S., Campbell, L.K., Fisher, D.R., Connolly, J.J.T., Johnson, M.L., Sonti, N.F., Locke, D.H., Westphal, L.M., LeBlanc F.C., Grove, J.M., Romolini, M., Blahna, D.J., Wolf, K.L.. (2016). Stewardship mapping and assessment project: a framework for understanding community-based environmental stewardship. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-156. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.[…]

Assessing and comparing relationships between urban environmental stewardship networks and land cover in Baltimore and Seattle.

Romolini, M., Grove, J. M., & Locke, D. H.. (2013). Assessing and comparing relationships between urban environmental stewardship networks and land cover in Baltimore and Seattle. Landscape and Urban Planning, 120, 190–207.  doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2013.08.008 [LINK]