Sub-parcel scale analysis is needed to capture socially-driven canopy cover change in Baltimore, MD.

Locke, D. H., Ossola, A., Paul Schmit, J., & Morgan Grove, J. (2025). Sub-parcel scale analysis is needed to capture socially-driven canopy cover change in Baltimore, MD. Landscape and Urban Planning, 253(September 2024), 105187. [LINK]

How do urban trees vary across the USA: It depends on where and how you look

Mejia, G., Groffman, P., Avolio, M., Bratt, A., Engebreston, J., Grijseels, N., Hall, S., Hobbie, S., Lerman, S., Litvak, E., Locke, D.H., Narango, D.,Padullés C.J., Pataki, D., Trammell, T.. (2024). How do urban trees vary across the USA: It depends on where and how you look. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.2777 [LINK]

More green, fewer problems: Landcover relates to perception of environmental problems

Suchy, A., Anderson, E., Fork, M., Lin, L., Locke, D.H., Groffman, P.M., Grove, J.M., LaDeau, S., Rosi, E.. (2023). More green, fewer problems: Landcover relates to perception of environmental problems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Ecological homogenization of soil properties in the American residential macrosystem

Ryan, C.D., Groffman, P.M., Grove, J.M., Hall, S.J., Heffernan J.B., Hobbie, S.E., Locke, D.H., Morese, J.L., Neill, C., Nelson, K., O’Neil-Dunne, J.P.M., Roy-Chowdhury, R., Steele, M.K., Trammell, T.L.E.. (2022). Ecological homogenization of soil properties in the American Residential Macrosystem. Ecosphere. 10.1002/ecs2.4208 [LINK]

Residential yard management and landscape cover affect urban bird community composition at a continental scale

Lerman, S.B., Narango, D.L., Avolio, M.L., Bratt, A.R., Engebrestson, J.M., Groffman, P.M., Hall, S.J., Heffernan, J.B., Hobbie, S.E., Larson, K.L., Locke, D.H., Heffernan, J.B., Neill, C., Nelson, K.C., Cubino, J.P., Trammell, T.L.E.. (2021) Residential yard management and landscape cover affect urban bird community composition at a continental scale. Ecological Applications. e02455 [LINK]

Residential housing segregation and urban tree canopy in 37 US Cities

Locke, D.H., Hall, B., Grove, J.M., Pickett, S., Ogden, L., Aoki, C., Boone, C., O’Neil-Dunne, J.P., (2020). Residential housing segregation and urban tree canopy in 37 US Cities. npj Urban Sustain. 10.1038/s42949-021-00022-0 [LINK]

Municipal Regulation of Residential Landscapes across US Cities: Patterns and Implications for Landscape Sustainability.

Larson, K.L., Andrade, R., Nelson, K.C., Wheeler, M.W., Engebreston, J., Hall, S.J., Avolio, M.L., Lerman, S.B., Groffman, P.M., Grove, J.M., Heffernan, J.B., Hobbie, S.E., Locke, D.H., Neill, C., Roy Chowdhury, R., Trammell, T.L.E.. (2020). Municipal Regulation of Residential Landscapes across US Cities:Patterns and Implications for Landscape Sustainability. Journal of Environmental Management [LINK]

How the nonhuman world influences homeowner yard management in the American residential macrosystem

Engebretson, J., Nelson, K., Ogden, L., Larson, K., Grove, J.M., Hall, S., Locke, D.H., Pataki, D., Roy Chowdhury, R., Trammell, T., Groffman, M.. (2020). How the nonhuman world influences homeowner yard management in the American residential macrosystem. Human Ecology [LINK]

Time is not money: Income is more important than lifestage for explaining patterns of residential yard plant community structure and diversity in Baltimore

Avolio, M. L., Blanchette, A., Sonti, N. F., Locke, D. H.. (2020). Time is not money: Income is more important than lifestage for explaining patterns of residential yard plant community structure and diversity in Baltimore. Frontiers in Ecology And Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00085 [LINK]

Know your watershed and know your neighbor: paths to supporting stormwater management in Baltimore, MD and Phoenix, AZ

Locke, D.H., York, A.M., Grove, J.M.. (2020). Know your watershed and know your neighbor: paths to supporting stormwater management in Baltimore, MD and Phoenix, AZ. Landscape and Urban Planning.​1016/​j.​landurbplan.​2019.​103714 [LINK]

Context matters, but the organizational landscape is more important for explaining civic environmental stewardship group intensity in four major US cities

Johnson, M.L., Locke, D.H., Svendsen, E.S., Campbell, L.K., Westphal, L., Romolini, M., Grove, J.M. (2019). Context matters, but the organizational landscape is more important for explaining civic environmental stewardship group intensity in four major US cities. Ecology and Society. [LINK]

Social norms, yard care, and the difference between front and back yard management: examining the Landscape Mullets concept on urban residential lands.

Locke, D.H., Roy Chowdhury, R., Grove, J. M., Martin, D.G., Goldman, E., Rogan, J., Groffman, P.M.. (2018). Social norms, yard care, and the difference between front and back yard management: examining the Landscape Mullets concept on urban residential lands. Society and Natural Resources. doi:10.1080/08941920.2018.1481549 [LINK]

A Multi-City Comparison of Front and Backyard Differences in Plant Species Diversity and Nitrogen Cycling in Residential Landscapes

Locke, D.H., Avolio, M., Trammel, T.L.E., Roy Chowdhury, R., Grove, J.M., Rogan, J., Martin, D.G., Bettez, N., Cavender-Bares, J., Groffman, P.M., Hall, S.J., Heffernan, J.B., Hobbie, S.E., Larson, K.L., Morse, J.L., Neill, C., Nelson, K.C., Ogden, L.A., O’Neil-Dunne, J.P.M., Pataki, D., Pearse, W., Polsky, C., Wheeler, M.M.. (2018). A Multi-City Comparison of Front and Backyard[…]

Landscape Ethnography: Understanding the Political and Ecological Dynamics of Urban Forests in Baltimore.

Ogden, L.A., Aoki, C., Grove, J.M., Locke, D.H., Hall, W., Sonti, N.F., Pickett, S.T.A., Avins, M., Lautar, K., Lagrosa, J (2018). Landscape Ethnography: Understanding the Political and Ecological Dynamics of Urban Forests in Baltimore. Urban Ecosystems. doi:10.1007/s11252-018-0744-z [LINK]

Vegetation cover in relation to socioeconomic factors in a tropical city assessed from sub-meter resolution imagery

Martinuzzi, S., Ramos-González, O. M., Muñoz-Erickson, T. A., Locke, D.H., Lugo, A. E., Radeloff, V. C.. (2018). The assessment of urban vegetation from high-resolution aerial imagery and its relationship to socioeconomic factors in a tropical city. Ecological Applications. doi: 10.1002/eap.1673 [LINK]

The Legacy Effect: Understanding how segregation and environmental injustice unfold over time in Baltimore.

Grove, J.M., Ogden, L.A., Pickett, S.T.A., Boone, C.G., Buckley, G.L., Locke, D.H. and Lord, C.. [In Press]. The Legacy Effect: Understanding how segregation and environmental injustice unfold over time in Baltimore. Annals of the American Association of Geographers Special Issue on “Social Justice and the City.” [LINK]

Ecological homogenization of Residential Macrosystems.

Groffman, P. M. , Avolio, M., Cavender-Bares, J., Bettez, N. D., Grove, J. M., Hall, S., Hobbie, S., Larson, K.L., Lerman, S., Locke, D.H., Heffernan, J., Morse, J. L., Neil, C., Nelson, K., O’Neil-Dunne, J. P. M., Pataki, D., Polsky, C., Pouyat, R. V., Roy Chowdhury, R., Steele, M., Trammell, T. L. E.. (2017). Ecological[…]